The Author Burnout Cure

The Author Burnout Cure

Hosted by: Isabel Sterling

Isabel Sterling, multi-published author and master certified coach, is on a mission to dismantle burnout culture, one author at a time.

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100. Listener Q&A

It’s finally here: the highly anticipated 100th episode, with answers to all of YOUR questions! In this episode, I tackle questions about trad vs indie, whether you really need personal connections with agents or...
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99. Planning for 2024

Last week we evaluated 2023, so now it’s time to look ahead into the future and decide what kind of author year you want to create. This process gives you a functional schedule so you know where to put your focus each...
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98. Evaluating 2023

It’s the time of year where everyone starts talking about goal setting. Before you look ahead to 2024, it’s important to evaluate the year you just had. No matter how amazing (or disappointing) the past 12 months...
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97. What to Do When Your Book “Flops”

It can feel awful when your book doesn’t perform as expected. On top of the disappointment and grief, you’re also struggling to write the next book. Why should you bother, afterall, if that one is going to flop, too?...
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96. Simplifying Social Media

Social media is a source of stress and overwhelm for many authors. Does it actually sell books? Do you have to be on TikTok to succeed in publishing? What if you just really hate being online? Listen in for my 4-step...
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95. Navigating "Best Books of the Year" Lists

It’s that time of year again: “Best Books of the Year” lists are popping up all over the internet. While these lists are great for TBR piles and the books that get included, they can also be a landmine of emotional...
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94. Better than Baseline with Roz Ray

What can change with just six months of coaching? Everything. But don’t take my word for it. I interviewed my client, Roz Ray, about her experience with coaching and what changed for her over the past six months. She...
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93. The Sophomore "Slump"

Whether you call it the Sophomore Slump or the Book 2 Blues, no one wants to hear that their second novel didn’t live up to their first. Especially if the writing process was particularly hellish. The good news: there...
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92. Celebrating Your Book Release

No one throws you a parade when your book comes out. If you want to celebrate your release and make the day feel special (and I definitely recommend that you do!) you need to intentionally plan how you’ll spend your...
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91. Foundational Beliefs

What you believe about yourself, your writing abilities, and your place in publishing affects the way you experience your career. Today, I’m sharing some of the foundational beliefs that help me stay in love with my...
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90. Compare & Despair: Author Edition

Compare and despair–that flash of jealousy and disappointment when you see someone else’s good news–is a common phenomenon. Thankfully, your options aren’t to feel terrible or avoid social media forever. I have a...
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89. Juggling Multiple Deadlines

Once you sell your first book, it’s just a matter of time before you’re juggling deadlines for multiple books. There is no perfect schedule out there on the internet for you to find. Instead, I’m sharing my four-step...
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