The Author Burnout Cure

The Author Burnout Cure

Hosted by: Isabel Sterling

Isabel Sterling, multi-published author and master certified coach, is on a mission to dismantle burnout culture, one author at a time.

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124. Why I Love My Google Calendar

It’s time for another nerdy episode, friends! I love, love, love using Google Calendar to organize my writing life. I use it to schedule time to write, keep track of my progress, and prevent Accomplishment Amnesia....
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123. The Pressure to Keep Writing

Once you have a book under contract, gone are the days when you can spend your time between deadlines doing nothing. At least, that’s how it feels. Authors face all sorts of pressures to always be working, to have...
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122. The Unexpected Hiatus

After an unexpected hiatus to grieve a loss in my family, I'm back! In this episode, I let you know what happened at the end of May that prompted the hiatus and what to expect from the podcast over the coming...
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121. Writing Slow with Dani Abernathy

Today on the podcast, I’m joined by the fabulous Dani Abernathy. Dani is an Author Accelerator certified book coach who focuses on helping writers embrace, plan, and write books they’re proud of inside her group...
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120. Here’s Your Permission Slip

There’s a lot of advice out there in the world, but that doesn’t mean all of it is going to be relevant for YOU. So that expert advice you keep hearing that stresses you out? Throw it away. If it’s making it harder to...
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119. Choosing Between Multiple Offers

It’s the dream scenario: you have multiple agents offering on your manuscript. Your book has gone to auction, and publishers are clamoring for the chance to work with you. You dreamed of this moment, but in all those...
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118. F*ck the Algorithm

Social media algorithms got you down? Tired of spending hours on a post that doesn’t get any traction? Well, this episode is for you, my friend. We’ve given the algorithm way too much power over our emotional lives....
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117. Stop Bracing for Bad News

Do you brace for bad news? Do you send off a revision only to find yourself anxious, worried, and at least half-convinced that your editor will tell you the entire book is broken? So many of us fall into this trap,...
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116. Professional Jealousy: Author Edition

The more successful you get as an author, the harder it is to find an emotionally supportive community. People assume that confidence comes from success. That your problems are easier to handle than theirs since at...
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115. What Do You Already Know?

It’s easy to feel stuck when you’re trying to improve your author career or write your next book. There aren’t a ton of certainties or absolutes in this industry, but you actually know more than you think. When you...
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114. Are You On Track?

We’re a quarter of the way through 2024 … how are your author goals going? Now is the perfect time to dust off your goals, celebrate the progress you’ve made, learn from any set backs, and make adjustments for the...
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113. Nerding Out on “The Gap & The Gain”

I rarely do this, but I have a non-fic book recommendation for y’all this week. I’ve been reading The Gap & The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and I am OBSESSED. Their work is so in line with what I...
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